Pyper Allen (voiced by Leigh Cameron) is a recurring character and Ollie's younger sister. Appearance[]Pyper is a young girl, smaller than Ollie, with freckles on her cheeks, large eyes, large, wide head, long hip-length orange hair, slim body, and fair skin. She wears a purple shirt with lightning in a slightly lighter tone, indigo shorts, a blue bracelet on her left arm, a pink bracelet on her right, triangular earrings on her ear, white socks, and pink shoes. Personality[]She is cute and sweet, but sometimes she can be a spoiled brat. Etymology[]Ollie nicknames her "Pype" in "Doom for Rent" Events[]She briefly becomes protector of the pack while Ollie is injured. The bag chose her, perhaps because like her brother she too is the child of the preceding protector, their missing father. Episode Appearances[]
Origins[]Probably based on the fridge girl in Monster Pack theorized to be the sister of Morty. Gallery[] |
Pyper Allen